I can't help myself, when I think of an online dom, a cynical image always comes to mind of a fat pimply teenager sitting on a throne with his tiny cock in hand saying "Bow before your Lord and Master!" (Wow... was that really bitchy?) I know that's not (always) the case, but the anonymity of the internet allows anyone to call themselves a dom, regardless of experience, intention, or common sense. I tend to be dubious about anyone with "dragon" or "shadow" or "Master" in their name. But I'll admit I've been wrong before.
Online submission can be a lot of fun, but it can also be terrible. I have a webcam but I hate using it. I will when he insists, but I rarely turn it on by myself. That makes it very easy to disobey, and that's a horrible thing. Fortunately I have a man who can tell a lot about me and what I'm doing from one altered sound. He knows what each part of my body sounds like when it's spanked, how my moans change when I touch myself in different places, or how I sound when I'm close to cumming. It requires a great deal of trust to know that requests are being carried out.
It's also safer, which is both a good and bad thing. It's good because I'm in my own home and even if I'm talking to a psycho killer, the psycho killer isn't in my room beside me. But safe is also boring. Part of what I love about D/s is having my limits pushed. It's too easy to stay in your safe area when someone isn't beside you pushing you.
I always feel silly talking about an online relationship like it's a real one. But it is real. Maybe it's completely different to one where you physically spend time with the person, but it still feels real in its own way. Honestly though, I don't think I'd bother with a relationship that was strictly online with no hope of ever making the transformation to real life.
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