I hadn't realised how long it had been since I've written here. It felt like I didn't really have much to say. All seems to be right in the world again. There were a couple of days last week where everyone I knew was depressed. Three of the four significant men in my life were completely down and they all wanted to cling to me, it seemed. I never used to mind that. I could let people cling, comfort them, cheer them up, and then move on when they were ok again. This time it really dragged at me. But now it's on an upswing again, so bonus! hehe
My Dom was the only man who seemed to be ok through all of this. He has had his bad moments, as we all do, but recently life is going well for him. And we've started making plans for him to come over here for a week. My marriage will be over in May (so anything I write will probably be pretty maudlin in the next few months) and he will probably be here at the end of June.
We had talked about it all along, assuming this relationship continued. We both want to take things slow. I'm not leaving my husband for him. My marriage was over a long time ago and has practically nothing to do with my Dom. I'm not going from one bed to another. So we wanted to have this meeting to figure out how well we really do get on in real life. And to give me an idea of where I'll be moving.
No matter what, I won't be moving in to his house or his town. But depending on how well things go, it might be the next town over or it might be the next state over. Or if we don't get along at all, it'll be New Mexico, where I always wanted to live. *chuckles*
But right now I'm not thinking that far ahead. Even his trip is too far ahead, really. But I'm so excited about it! Nervous too. He had this biorythmns application on his phone (for some reaon... god knows why) that he didn't particularly believe but thought it was interesting. I asked him to check what his day was supposed to be like on the day we're planning to meet. Apparently his emotional reading was VERY low. I got him to check mine since it works on your date of birth and apparently my emotional reading was practically as high as it can get.
So even though neither of us believe that it'll really tell us anything, I've now got it in my head that I'll be head over heels in love with him, and he'll be disappointed in me. Which, of course, was my worry all along. *chuckles* He calmly reminded me that he loves me and that we're both worried about our first meeting. We're both excited about it too though.
Those thoughts wouldn't get out of my head, so he decided to sing a song that I've been trying to keep out of my head for about a month now. Did any of you ever watch the elephant show on nikelodeon when you were a kid? Anyway, it's that song and it's horrible. But it worked as he intended. Every time I think about that biorythmn reading, the song comes along with it. *grins* It's a pretty decent deterrent.
Oh, I know that song!
It's great that you have plans to meet up soon. That's so exciting, and I definitely have my fingers crossed for you both. :)
Terrible, isn't it? hehe
Thank you so much. I'm sure I'll be writing a lot more about it as the time gets closer. :-)
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