Today was just one of those days, I think. Miscommunications and frustrations everywhere. I failed to make a connection between two things he was showing me over his cam (mind you, he didn't tell me there was a connection or anything else, he just put things in front of the lens and I was supposed to read his mind) and he got frustrated with me. The odd thing was, this was the first time he had ever gotten frustrated when his cam was on, so it's the first time I saw his reaction. It threw me, if I'm honest. After all, I'd made a lot of connections already with no clues and I thought that was pretty impressive. Besides, the only reason I hadn't made this connection was because the cam didn't focus very well and I missed a tiny detail.
I asked him not to be frustrated (actually, I probably told him not to *blushes*) and that it wasn't my fault the cam wasn't very clear. We had been typing at that point, but that earned me a call. He wasn't too happy, to say the least. But I still thought I had a good point. I was doing my best with no help from him and technology was getting in our way. That wasn't my fault! And I certainly didn't deserve his frustration.
Anyway, it was dealt with and we moved on, but we didn't really. It still felt like there was a mood between us. It ended up being one of those days when we just called it quits, knowing that if we gave each other a little space things would be fine when we came back.
I'm not saying there won't be days like that when/if we're actually together. God knows there will probably be more of them. But I hate that this one was caused by such a stupid miscommunication. Well.... that and my smart mouth that doesn't like being wrong.
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