Ok, it's probably a bad idea to have two posts on expectations in less than a month, but there's a reason for them both. I've been thinking about romance tonight and I remembered Richard asking me if I had low expectations of him. He has asked me that a few times in the year that we've known each other.
I didn't know how to answer him. Because I didn't feel like I did. At least, not specifically of him. I think I just have low expectations in general. Is that bad? I don't choose to have low expectations because I don't think he or anyone else can live up to high expectations. It's just that... if you have high expectations, you're guaranteed to be disappointed. If you have low expectations, you're pretty close to guaranteed to be impressed. I'd rather take the chance of living a life of happiness than take the chance of living a life of misery.
That still seems logical. But I wonder if we don't get what we ask for sometimes. I mean, how often do people always try to do romantic things when they don't have to? If you expect flowers and romance, surely you're more likely to get it than if you don't. Or maybe I'm wrong.
I'm not good with compliments and romance. I don't know what to do with it. So I certainly don't expect it. But when it comes in small doses, I don't stop smiling for a week. Tonight I asked myself what the most romantic thing in my life has been. I went through trips to Paris, flowers on special days, well-meaning presents that didn't quite work out as planned, and all the kisses I've ever been given. What was my verdict?
One afternoon I lay back on my couch and listened as Richard read me Transmetropolitan, a dark comic book featuring violence, corruption, addiction, and misery. The picture at the top is the main character. But I don't want my description to down-play the most romantic moment in my life.
He shared part of his life with me. Something he loved. It's kinda hard to "read" comic books when you can't see them, so I listened to him describing the pictures, doing the sound effects, and reading the lines. *smiles* It was just so wonderfully comfortable. And so incredibly sweet.
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