It's strange... I've known for awhile that I've felt less playful. I haven't been interested in my usual playmates or in chatting with random people. I've just felt... well, quiet almost. Calm. But I've only realised recently that I'm doing it because he's gone.
It never feels like cheating when I'm talking to him often because I know he doesn't mind. Plus I get to share any interesting experience with him. I do it because I want to, but I get to share it with him and it makes it even better. But when he's not around, it just feels wrong.
I've noticed this with other couples too. When you're not around each other, sometimes people get a little more introverted. You know you can't really fix problems if there are any, so you try your best to keep things light and problem-free. At least until you get to be around each other again. *smiles*
I can't believe it's been seven weeks since we've really talked. But I'm just whinging now, so I'll stop.
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