The next day I calmed down, got some sleep, and talked to some friends who, of course, all wanted to know how the meeting went. And as I'm writing about all the wonderful things that happened, the tiny minor negative just didn't matter. I was happy and I knew it.
Imagine my surprise when a couple hours later I get a call from Richard. "Hey, plans have changed.... any chance you can come back?"
I thought about it, fighting the urge to run straight out of the door. Another night with him in more private surroundings would be perfect. But was one night worth another tank of gas? In the end, we expanded these plans somewhat. I would drive over there for Monday night, then on Tuesday night after he worked he could come back with me and stay for a couple of days. I've worked hard on my new house and I really wanted to show it off.
I'm afraid I can't go in to the same level of detail about those days as I did with the last post. But so much happened and I'm not even sure I can remember it all.
There were bad moments where we tried to define our relationship and realised that we were both pushing each other away. We have always said "I love you." But we still haven't said it when we're face to face. We're both hesitant and want to take things slow. This is made more difficult by the fact that he keeps introducing me to friends and family who all make the assumption that I'm his girlfriend. I'm not. At the moment, we're just trying each other on for size and having a great time doing it.
At the same time, I love the fact that he's introducing me to people. We may be doing our best to put up armor around our hearts and take things slow, but that doesn't stop him from showing me his life and trying to make me part of that life.
There were good moments where he tested my pain threshold and put beautiful thin stripes across my ass. I've always said I don't get off on pain, but maybe I should say I don't get off on extreme pain. It would be pretty hard to deny the way my body reacted.
I can't say that the whole session was good, because I did push myself too far. We were in a strange place personally right then, so it was probably a bad time to be trying something like that in retrospect. I could only focus on my own body rather than focusing on him. It was still pleasurable, but when the pain got too much for my body, my mind didn't have anywhere else to go. And I didn't stop him for awhile. I think he was testing my ability to use our safeword as much as my pain levels. We also got interrupted, so it could've been a better session.
But our first experience with breath control was incredible. I was shaking from the second his hand went to my throat. In fact, just last night I woke up from a dream... I was in bed alone at the time, but I still woke up mid-orgasm just because I had been dreaming about his hand around my neck. God, I'd never have anything like that happen to me.
There were also good moments in my house where he suggested we go buy some oreos and milk and curl up on the couch to watch all the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. *grins* We ended up watching some anime instead, but that's not the point. I love that we have that aspect of the relationship as well. It's wonderful to feel owned and it is wonderful to feel loved. To feel both is just.... indescribable.
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