Anyway, I promise, I am actually getting around to a privacy musing, bear with me. *smiles* I told R about this as soon as I knew, so he knew it would be a turbulent time. I didn't talk to him yesterday. But I did talk to another very old and dear internet friend. We talked for almost 12 hours, in fact. At some point I said something about really wanting a drink, but I don't drink alone. It's a very strict rule I have. He laughed and said he'd drink with me. I kind of thought it was cheating a bit... but I wanted that drink so that's what we did.
Now, I don't really drink. Usually only once every other month or so. Sometimes much less. These days when I do, it hits me pretty hard. I can confidently say that I only had two drinks last night... unfortunately, those two drinks had about 6 shots of jack in them. *looks ashamed*
As my typing slowly got worse, he suggested we bypass the keyboard altogether and chat with the wonderful yahoo voice feature. Now, I've done this with him a couple of times, but really rarely. Maybe three times since I've known him. And those other times.... well, we weren't exactly having a normal conversation if you catch my meaning. *chuckles* Although, I suppose that is pretty normal for us...
*shakes head quickly* Anyway! Back on target... I was a bit apprehensive because that's not really part of our relationship. But we chatted, had a great time, and all was fine. Slurred speach is a little easier to understand than a thousand typos, apparently.
But this made me think... I was going privacy crazy over talking to someone that I've known a long time over voice. It's not like he gains my phone number or anything. I'm still onlly available to him when I want to be. Where's the privacy issue. On the other hand, R has given his phone number out to two new girls in a week!
I guess it's a good balance, having one person privacy mad and the other person completely lacking all concepts of personal privacy. *chuckles* He's very good about other people's privacy, especially mine. He just doesn't see the need for his own.
Maybe I should change the name of my post to "On drunken evenings"....
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