I suppose I should finish the story I started the other day. Meta's comment about her Master usually making it up to her reminded me that I probably shouldn't leave it at that.
I should point out that we both got to cum on Wednesday night, but it wasn't the vocal, D/s session that we both really needed. It was wonderful, but it wasn't what we had planned. I knew that session had to come. Not because I was owed it or because he was making it up to me, but because we both needed and wanted it. We talked on Thursday, but there was no playtime. I had Friday morning to myself, but we usually talk at night so I wasn't expecting much.
I was surprised when he signed on because I fully expected him to be asleep. We talked for awhile about this and that and then somehow got on to tattoos. I am planning to get one on my foot. I've wanted one there for years, but only recently found the design I wanted. Now I'm just saving the money. I asked him to help me decide about something... whether I should get it now, or pay off more of my credit card.
He was trying to help me think through all aspects of the choice, including the tattoo itself. He just watched his brother get a tattoo on his shoulder blade, so now he thinks he's the expert on the subject in this relationship, even though I have significantly more knowledge and experience in the body mod world. But I love him for it. *chuckles*
He asked me how high I thought my pain threshold was and I got a little irate. I wasn't an idiot, I knew it would hurt. And bad, given the location. But I knew what I was getting in to. I snapped something sarcastic about how I canepilate all the hairs on my body and how I volunteered to be a pin cushion for a trainee piercer so I was pretty sure it was high enough to not pass out.
Normally I can hear his Uber-Dom side coming out. This time I missed it. Maybe because I was irate, maybe because we were feeling a little disconnected. I've said before that I usually only call him Master when we're playing. I try to treat him with respect at all times and too much teasing will usually earn me a look, at the very least. But things were disconnected and weren't running as smoothly as they should.
So my sarcastic comment earned me a "twist your nipples, whore. Hard." Silly me thought he was testing my pain threshold rather than taking that much needed play time. I did it, but when he asked me again how high my threshold was, I answered without calling him Master. He gave me several chances and I still didn't do it.
Finally he asked if I knew why my nipples were now aching and I said I didn't. He tried to give me a hint, and I met that with sarcasm and back talk too. Eventually I got the hint. Then he told me to turn on my cam.
Now, I hate having my cam on. I'll have to talk about why another day, but suffice it to say that it is as close as we get to humiliation. Being able to do what he asks on cam is the ultimate submission for me. And I still haven't quite gotten there. I'll talk about that eventually too. *chuckles* I turned it on without protest though.
What followed wasn't perfect submission (because I couldn't bring myself to do what he asked of me) and it wasn't amazing sex (because I was so nervous and feeling terrible about not obeying orders). But it was exactly what we needed.
I had been used. We didn't use toys that time and he didn't make me wait for permission to cum (which is extremely rare) but it put me back in my place and reminded me that I am his sub. And more importantly, that I want to be his sub.
The past couple of days, any sarcasm or complaint has been met with a metaphorical tug on my leash rather than silence. He's not letting me get away with anything. And I've never been happier. *grins*
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