On Monday, R and I realised that we hadn't had much time together recently. Certainly not the kind of time we have been used to. Because it's an online relationship, our play is usually over voice chat or text, and occasionally we use our cams. For some reason, it's just not that frequent. But normally we talk.
A couple of months ago, my headphones broke... again. Long story short, I had a couple of cheap pair that kept breaking. I asked my mum for a specific pair if they still made them in the states, because I had had those for about 5 years and they were awesome. They didn't have them, but she decided she needed to spend an arm and a leg on a new pair, even though I begged her not to. *sighs* Anyway when an expensive pair breaks, I can't justify not trying to fix them. So for the last month or so, he's been able to hear himself talk just barely in the background. It makes playtime a little odd and makes talking to him when someone else is in the house impossible.
To add to that, my husband has been working less recently. And that's a good thing, for him. He had been working about 80 hours a week, which is just rediculous. He would normally have at least 3 days where he worked from 9am to 1am. Now he's working closer to 50 hours, which is still a lot, but not near as much. he's only had one 9-1 shift in three weeks. Great for him and for me, because I do like having him around... not so good for me and my Dom.
Anyway, back to the story... sorry for all the background. We realised that we hadn't heard each other cum in days. In fact, we hadn't played at all some days, which is pretty rare for us. For the first time, we had to plan to spend time together. We decided Wednesday night would be the ideal time... as long as he was awake.
I knew things didn't bode well when he barely slept all day Tuesday. Wednesday came and went (technically). A little after midnight, he signed on. He was just as disappointed and frustrated as I was, but that didn't help much, somehow. He hadn't been sleeping, but he hadn't been able to get on the computer. His brother had been around.
I wasn't mad at him, or mad at all, really. But I was sad and frustrated. He tried to be very sweet and cuddly and loving, but I just didn't want to be touched. I've never been like that before with him, and I didn't want to tell him how I was feeling. I was worried that if I told him I was upset, he would think it was directed at him. It wasn't... it was just at the situation.
But I told him and he took it perfectly. He backed off and we just chatted for awhile, reading the news, looking at pictures, etc... He handled it so well, in fact, I was perfectly happy and feeling cuddly again within a few minutes.
So here's a question for all the subbies out there... when your dom fucks up (as we all do... we're only human, after all) how do you handle it? Do you stay quiet and let him sort it out himself? Or do you express your displeasure or concern or whatever else you're feeling without being disrespectful?
Master knows when he fucks up. I also tell him that I'm unhappy about it, which usually gets me into trouble.
Just out of curiosity, do you get in trouble because you've told him or for the way you've told him?
The way I told him. Plus sometimes feeling like he owed me something (usually, he does something to make it up to me, but it's bad if I feel like I deserve to get something and taking that too far). Master expects me to tell him if I'm upset about something and wants me to question him if I have concerns.
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