A new law has just been passed in my country that targets violent pornographic images. Now that's all well and good I suppose, but how do you define violent? They say they're targeting the extreme end of the spectrum, where real woman are really raped and killed. Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't those things already being targeted?
It says it's a law against necrophilia and bestiality, which is fine I guess, except that this kind of porn was already illegal! It also says it's a law against "violence that is life threatening or likely to result in serious injury to the anus, breasts or genitals."
Life threatening? Well there goes asphyxiation. Serious injury? What about those people who like nipple and genital torture. People who want to be caned and whipped until they bleed? Oh, and mutilation was in there too. But there are people who consider piercings mutilation.
Here's the thing that I really don't understand though: necrophilia, bestiality, rape murder... all those things are illegal acts. Whether or not that is your kink, it makes some degree of sense that pictures of those acts would also be illegal. But the "violence" they're referring to is a basic part of many relationships! And it's not illegal.
It's perfectly legal for my partner to wrap his hand around my throat while we're fucking, squeezing until I almost black out and then tell me to cum............ *shakes head* sorry, slipped in to fantasy world for a second. Back to my rant! It may be life threatening, I don't deny it. But it's our choice, it's our kink, and it's perfectly consensual and legal.
How can it be illegal to have pictures of a legal act? Am I the only one who thinks this is completely barking mad?
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